Thursday, September 30, 2004

First Entry

I'm a musician by advocation. Music is such a part of me, it's what I want to be remembered for.

I'm not exactly what people would want to look at on TV. So being famous isn't necessarily part of my motivation. Musicians and composers are best remembered by their music. Here's some of mine:

I've written a little. A couple short novellas. (Also at the posted address.)

It would be nice if these items lived on after I was gone. But as long as Jesus Christ doesn't appear at the second coming, time will plod on and all things in this life fade.

I guess I resist change and mourn the past too much. I am willing to make new history, though. With whoever I meet I seek a close friendship. I try to get beyond my own and others' prejudices in an attempt to be the loving person my Savior wants me to be.

I believe in the power of the Holy Spirit working in everyone's life, but the Holy Spirit is a gentleman. He doesn't force anything on you, but waits for you. In this manner, how God uses you is filtered through you. You can even put so much of yourself in the way that the Holy Spirit can't function through you until you yield to His desires.

Between God and mankind is a friendship that should be developed as with any friend. Jesus healed the rift between God our Heavenly Father and every person. This ongoing friendship is not always easy, just as in our earthly friendships. Maybe we need to realize our own habit of causing the disharmony in our friendships first before we seek to blame others. It's definately true of us with God.