Wednesday, June 29, 2005

There Can Be Only One (2nd Installment)

The young man walked out of the small grocery store with a full bag of his purchases. He planned to take the bag back to his tent and try to fathom how he was to establish a place for himself in this college town.

A familiar electric tingle sprang up inside of him at that moment filling him with a feeling of dread bordering on fear. There was another immortal nearby!

A voice from behind him coughed and said, “Are you hunting?”

The young man turned toward the voice and asked, “Who wants to know?”

“David Palmer.”

Doc had always told him to identify himself to another immortal in situations such as these, so the young man said, “I am Phil Castor.”

David Palmer offered his hand. “You seem new to being an immortal, but must have had someone teach you what that means.”

Phil shifted his grocery bag and shook hands with the immortal. He looked to be in his mid-thirties, large but not muscle bound, but still possessing strength. There was strength implied in the way he carried himself.

“Call me Dave. I live in that old gray house across the street there.” He pointed and shrugged. “I bought it for its large front porch where I can watch all the people come and go.”

Phil decided to trust him when he saw Dave’s openness about himself. “I’m new in town as well and I need to acquire a certain item that guys like us need.” Dave’s left eyebrow rose.

“Let’s go up onto my porch and I’ll get you a soda and we’ll talk about this.”

Sitting on a lawn chair, Phil sipped the Pepsi that Dave had given him as he gazed at the grocery’s parking lot across the street.

“You know about holy ground?” asked Dave.

“No fighting on holy ground and not in front of mortals.”

“So you need a sword?” asked Dave.

“Yes, but I haven’t seen Doc carry a sword around. His sword was always in his apartment for the time I knew him. You don’t seem to carry one either,” remarked Phil.

“There are laws about sharpened blades of a certain length and even if you could carry a sword, it would provoke trouble or just too many questions. I keep mine under a blanket in my car when I’m out and about. I take the chance of being caught separated from my blade, but it’s better than trouble or the questions. When I sense another immortal, I either stay in public or run for my car or holy ground.”

“How do I get a sword of my own?”

“I have a fencing instructor that knows where to get the best blades. I think he would be more likely to help you, if you enrolled in one of his classes.”

“Ok, sounds good,” said Phil.

“If you need a place to stay, you can stay here,” offered Dave. “It’s something to think about for when winter comes.”

Phil took his leave of Dave saying only that he would consider his offer. On the way back to his camp, he realized there many contingencies he needed to be prepared for. Getting training and a sword would take time and money. He needed to have a plan for the time between now and then.

Stay tuned....


Blogger Larry said...

Sounds like a good story. Keep it coming.

June 30, 2005 at 11:09 AM  

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