Sunday, November 07, 2004

Wyatt Earp And Doc Holiday

My cousin and I were talking about the movie "Tombstone" one day. We both enjoy the movie, but my cousin must get something especially satisfying from it, because he claims to watch it on a regular basis.

He identifies with Wyatt Earp and told me he thought of me as Doc Holiday. I agree with him.

Doc was ready to lay everything on the line to stand with Wyatt. I feel that way about my cousin. He honored me by claiming a spiritual connection between us.

Another story character I relate to is Boromir from the movie "The Fellowship Of The Ring". His desire to rescue his people was so strong, but he could only see his own way of accomplishing it. His desire to use the One Ring, caused him to renounce his rightful king and inadvertently aid the Uruk Hai in coming upon the ring bearer. Once he saw things as they really were after recovering from the thrall of the One Ring, he gave his life to defend the Hobbits from capture. The devil tried to tell me that all I'd ever accomplish with my life was to be like Boromir, but in my heart, I wanted to be Aragorn.

I still do. I want to reforge the sword in my life that was broken. I want to use the kingsfoil to bring healing to my brothers-in-arms. I want to come into the fullness of what God has made me to be.

God promises to bring you completely into who you were born to be. We will be exactly that in eternity. Our desire won't be completely fulfilled in this life, but we will know some measure of it if we allow God to heal the wounds of our heart.


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